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Celebrate With Us

Learn How You Can Be a Part of Helping People Move out of Poverty

Are you curious to learn more about what poverty is really like for people today and how you can actually make a meaningful difference?

Join our Virtual Launch on May 23, from 12:00 - 1:00 pm ET You'll hear from the author, Angie Peters, and a panel of special guests as they share how they found their "just acts" and the difference they're making.  

Your Just Act!

Poverty ended for Angie Peters' family in one generation because of the intervention of ordinary people who cared. Just Act is an inspirational guide for people, businesses and community organizations who are concerned about poverty but feel hopeless about their ability to make any meaningful difference. Informed by people with lived experience of poverty, it provides a step-by-step process to develop a comprehensive one-year action plan that can help you turn your actions into ones that transform lives for generations to come.

“In the face of growing need around us, where do we start? Poverty is complex—but as Angie Peters explains, effective solutions can be simple when caring people act. Grounded in her years of experience... Angie’s model enables caring people to find a cause they care about, come alongside others, and take action to make a difference. Even as a long-time humanitarian worker, I was inspired to rethink my own approaches. We don’t just need ‘experts’ but compassionate citizens who love their neighbours in need.”

Michael Messenger
President and CEO, World Vision Canada

Find Your Action Plan

Before you start reading, download your Just Act plan template. It gives you the tools needed to create an action plan, tailored to your experience and your resources.

Picture of the Gooderham building with people walking the city

Get Involved

Do you think we can end generational poverty?

Join us at one of our Just Act launch events to hear from author Angie Peters and a panel of people like you as they share their ‘just acts’ and the difference they are making.


Help spread the word by downloading our Launch Kit and sharing the news about Just Act within your networks.

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